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091219_D-2 새로운 것을 위해 서문시장 투어. 오늘 대구 날씨가 무려 -6.. 유행하는 모든 것은 해 봐야 되는 성격이라 요즘은 감기가 유행이라던데...아마 해 볼 것 같은 기분이... 학교의 모든 수업이 끝난 지금 미루워 두었던 모든것을 하고 있다는 생각이 든다. 다음주 월요일이면 비밀의 그것이 나온다. 그리고 다음주는 크리스마스다. 산타 할아버지는 있다. 어제밤에 꿈에서 아이폰을 선물해 주셨다. 더보기
Vintage Sierra Designs A second Vintage Sierra 60/40 has just popped up, this one in the extremely rare and covet-able burnt purple colorway. 더보기
Worky Lucky Designed by BYT I believe you will be a great man. It is amazing challenge and you have a great deal of enthusiasm. I BELIEVE YOU Furthermore, I always support BLNK studio. JBR, YYH, BYT, ??? Someday.. I will be with you. 더보기
091126_DEGREE PARTY KMID Degree Party @ Bar.guess What an awesome party this is. I have never seen her appearance before... but today. she is the best of a fashionista in here. Look at her dress...take the guess... I think her mother wonders that where her wedding dress is.. They are highly elated over there graduation...or maybe not.. However, don't carry away and drink too much. I like that sunglasses. The only f.. 더보기
Earth, Wind & Fire Live in Seoul This is for everyone who loves FUNK!! During the 1970s, a new brand of pop music was born - one that was steeped in African and African-American styles - particularly jazz and R&B but appealed to a broader cross-section of the listening public. As founder and leader of the band Earth, Wind & Fire, Maurice White not only embraced but also helped bring about this evolution of pop, which bridged th.. 더보기
Skin Structure Chair 더보기
Skin Structure Project One of my degree project. The innovative Skin Structure Chair(SSC) is a foldable chair that is easy to transport, stored, and can be carried as a case when folded. Furthermore, it has a highly flexible design which can be assemble or disassemble in short time and save a lot of space and good too. How to find the structure? Crumpling the paper by various means and finding a point of sameness. And.. 더보기
KMID Degree Show 더보기
0809??? Probably it was one years ago. 더보기
090910_Travel travel? I usually get rid of stress by traveling somewhere. As a matter of fact, however, I can't make accurate answer from this question. It is an indefinable sensation. I can face extremly dangerous circumstance and get fortune in luck. Like that situation give me good memories. Eventually the memory never was forgotten including people, fragrance, food, place... When it comes to traveling, th.. 더보기